Bakelite Button Beaded Necklace
A Big Bold Jewelry Necklace of Trade Beads, Vintage Buttons, Bakelite Buttons, Glass Beads, and Trade Beads in Black/White/Red. This Costume Jewelry will have You Dancing the Flamenco. |
Beads and Buttons Necklace
Mid-Century Gal Necklace is Chunky Beads Jewelry of Reclaimed and Recycled Vintage Plastic Buttons, Lacquered Papier Mache Beads, and Vintage Plastic Beads. |
Big Floral Scarf J
A Green Fashion Accessory Scarf Handmade Entirely of Reclaimed, Hand Selected Pre Consumer Apparel, and Remnant Trim. This Artisanawear Wearable Art Scarf is all About Print Mixing of Floral Motifs. |
Black Chunky Beads Necklace
Re-Creating the Retro Jewelry Attitude, Carol Tate Has Designed This One-of a Kind Chunky Beads Necklace With Shiny Black Vintage Plastic Acrylic Beads. |
Chunky Vintage Bead Bracelet
A Retro Fashion Accessories Bracelet for the Chunky Jewelry Enthusiast, With Large Vintage Plastic Beads in Black. |
Colorful Vintage Beads Necklace
A Handmade Jewelry Necklace of Colorful Glass Beads. This Beaded Necklace of Mali Wedding Beads, Faceted Black Glass Beads, and Vintage Beads is a Fashion Accessory For Many an Occasion. |
Costume Jewelry Glass Bead Necklace
A Costume Jewelry Necklace With Three Strands of Recycled Vintage Jewelry. A Fashion Accessory of Vintage Glass Beads, Venetian Beads, Crystals, and Rhinestones. . |
Maraschino Scarf T
Ribbon Like Swirls of Ruffled and Applique Fabric Strips Adorn This Artisanawear Designer Scarf. An Eco Friendly Fashion Accessory Handmade Entirely of Recycled, Reclaimed Fabric and Apparel. |
Red Lucite Beads Bracelet
Retro Tango Girl Bracelet Displays Chunky Red Lucite Beads and Grape-Like Clusters of Vintage Plastic Beads in Black. |
Red Lucite Beads Necklace
RetroTango Necklace is One-of-a-Kind, Chunky Beads Jewelry of Reclaimed and Recycled Mid-Century, Lucite Beads Combined with Shiny Black Vintage Beads |