Embroidery & Patchwork  
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Embroidery & Patchwork

A Pair of Embroidered Valances are Featured with a Vintage Patchwork / Applique and Pieced Vintage Fabrics for a Double Wedding Ring Quilt.  Textiles for Traditional Country Style Décor.


Embroidered Folk Valances:  This Pair of Embroidered Folk Valances Could be European, Scandinavian, Central American or from a Host of Other Regions.  Fresh and Light-Hearted Embroidery.  6.25” x 25”ea $ 24.50 pair


Patchwork / Applique:  A Traditional Patchwork Technique Involving Much Hand Stitching and a Reverse Applique.  Muslin and Printed Cottons.  11.5” x 11.5”  $ 14.50


Double Wedding Ring Quilt Pieces:  Pre-Cut and Sewn “Crescents” for a Double Wedding Ring Quilt.  Over 69 Crescents, all of Vintage Fabrics, Mainly Cotton Calicos.  $ 29.00